Why Eclipser?

At Eclipser, our journey began with a passion for creating unique pieces inspired by nature and life's special moments. The name 'Eclipser' symbolizes the essence of uniqueness, much like an eclipse in the sky: unrepeatable and extraordinary.

Eclipser is a celebration of being unique, which is why our name combines "Eclipse" with "Ser," which means "to be." Our artisanal creations are testimony to this uniqueness. Each piece is meticulously crafted, from the careful drying of the flowers to the creative encapsulation process, which takes hours, sometimes even days, to ensure perfection.


I am Marianela, the heart and hands behind Eclipser. In each accessory, I put my passion for art. I am a perfectionist and I personally select the best materials to offer the quality I want for myself.

But Eclipser would not be possible without the support of my family, friends and all of you who appreciate and encourage my work, helping me grow, choosing eclipser products to be part of your lives.

Thanks for visiting our website. Explore each accessory and discover the magic of Eclipser, where each piece is as unique as you.